What's important to me is the sensation that remains when both eyes are closed..
When I can feel, express and share that 'something invisible..'


An international artist of Indian origin, Sheyna’s odyssey into the world of painting
began at the age of three. Nature is an essential element in her work. She also
specialises in portraits, discovering the universality of emotions as she explores
the synergy between man and nature.

The Beginning...

Millfield School, Somerset, UK
Chelsea School of Art - Foundation Course, UK
St Martins/Central School of Art + Design, BA Fine Art + English Literature, UK

Most Recently...

Anantya... beyond any boundary... Solo Exhibition, New Delhi - 2010
Metamorphosis - India’ s artist for a Brown Forman / Jack Daniels
international initiative - 2010


After college Sheyna began sessions of creativity for children of all ages. These were about
learning through fun. She helped students prepare portfolios for art schools and worked with
children from NGO’ s Hope, Salam Balak Trust, and Butterflies. She also ran the YouthReach
Saturday School, of which she is a founder member.

And Now...

Since her last show Anantya, Sheyna has been travelling and spending time at Isha Yoga
Centre. She regularly participates as guest artist with the children at Isha Home School - an
alternative school celebrating individual talent with the spirit of togetherness. She is presently
completing a few projects before starting work towards her next show.

Vinu, Abbas and Riz
My love always